Crocodile diamanté
The story of this wine is intricately interwoven with the rich history and culture of the beautiful city of Nimes in Southern France.
Passion is in the Castan family’s blood, the creators of this elegant rosé wine. Since 1907, the family have devoted their lives to crafting their legacy.
Crocodile Diamanté is a decadent and playful wine. With a unique presence and stylish branding, it infuses sophistication and elegence.
The epitome of art de vivre.
Why Stock
Crocodile Diamanté?
The beautiful packaging and branding provides a powerful consumer appeal.
Incredible value for an exceptionally quality wine.
Premium range extension delivering superior margins.
Rosé continues to grow at 7% value year on year.
MEET Crocodile Diamanté
Crocodile Diamanté
art de vivre
crocodile diamanté?
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